Archives for category: farmlife

Shh. My local chain grocery store has a secret section where they put perfectly fine slightly damaged food, repackaged and reduced for quick sale. I try to snap up as much produce that J will allow. Normally it’s about two bags, three if I REALLY play up how productive I’m going to feel making things with the produce (it always helps when I name products that I want to make- a “visualization” of sorts). Now, three bags of hot peppers or 4 bags of apples are a little more than I can process in one night. I’ve learned my lesson… sort of. Needless to say when I saw green beans for $.50 per large bag, I had to snatch two bags up. I mean, ONE DOLLAR. It just so happened that on the same night that I needed to process them, I received a new book in the mail. This book, The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Katz, described “Dilly Beans” and my mind raced to all the summer cookouts that have had pickled beans, I just never knew to call them by such a cute name. I knew then what I had to do… DILLY BEANS…



These pickled beans are named as thus because of the dill that you put in them. WARNING: do not plan on making these on a rainy afternoon when you just want to stay home and you coincidently happen to be out of dill. You will have to put on a raincoat and whine about it for a while as you take a trip back to the said grocery store in order to purchase some dill- lookin’ like a wet, cranky fool. Whatever. These beans are gonna be worth it!


‘xcuse me for being so tardy. I got over my seasonal blawness and have been stoopid busy. Chicken coop finishin’, soap makin’, embroderin’, sewin’, gardenin’, cookin’, entertainin’, and FINALLY hammock layin’. I found a hammock and stand on super sale and JUST when I was going to give up on it working, J saved the day. Of course. Life is oh so good.

Q: If given the chance to farm-sit, what would you do? A: Give a hearty ‘yes’! Then travel, play with turkeys, goats, baby chicks, go egg hunting, practice your slingshot aim (give up at that and go egg hunting some more), have a hearty breakfast at the Saxapahaw general store, buy ANYTHING you like at the Farmers Alliance (overalls, duh), and relax. Oh, and daydream for the eventual day that you would own a farm.





It’s Spring. Well, enough for me to feel rejuvenated and hopeful! I simply adore this time of the year. The open windows bring a little more life to the house and clean out all the crud that’s been with us for entirely too long.

Springtime also brings renewal in funny ways. As the ground starts to thaw, we can see hope in new places. Plants are ready to grow, looking for a new strength in the warming season.

Oh my I have so many things to be grateful for. My love who stays by my side and challenges me in everything that I do, my home that both comforts me and keeps me on guard, my new chickens that are getting uglier by the day (they were SO cute to begin with), my dog whom I simply adore. I’ve got so many crafts to share and pictures to upload. I look forward to this great unthawing, in SO many ways.

Sorry to brag, but I’m incredibly lucky. I am surrounded by encouraging and uplifting people, I come home every night to the most romantic and kind love, I wake up to a cold pup-pup nose nudging me to come play. And my family, though they live in a city that I loathe (Charlotte), they’ve taught me a lot about my wants, needs, and how to fight for them. This Christmas, I was at their house, filled with excess everything and craving my simplistic life. I missed waking up and having a challenge about what to make for dinner, the yearning of wanting something and saving up for it, and I especially missed the very little electricity that we use. While I was there, I felt a sense of disapproval for their new lifestyle. While I was being condescending, my family was coming around to my lifestyle. It was a nice role reversal and I benefited from it. My new presents that I’ve been playing with include: a weedeater with multiple attachments, a baking stone for my bread, and my ultimate favorite: my new foodsaver. Go ahead. Look. It’s beautiful…


I food saved all of our wontons from NYE. They’re currently in my freezer. Air tight. I can’t wait to foodsave some flavor into tofu and totally rock everyone’s world with some fake meaty treats. I am finding it hard to resist the urge to food save everything. Having such little space to freeze things helps. Sort of.